“The Goose little Anthology” (2022)

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Dogs, cats, horses… But what about the goose?  Here we are, in: The Goose little Anthology!

After a 6 years hiatus and celebrating their twentieth anniversary, TSS are back with their most rock album. 

But a very peculiar kind of rock, you know: the TSS kind of rock!

The tracks in this album are very direct but also open and airy, so you can listen to the grit and the musical sensitivity, the dynamics of the drums, the energy of the bass and the powerful guitar rhythms mixed with the mystery and harmony of the electronic sounds and the typical Duka's textures and all building up the unique taste of creative imagination that has always distinguished the sound of TSS.

In this work you can definitely appreciate the musical maturity of the TSS project: every sound, every transient, every nuance is at the service of the musical arrangement. 

So it is really easy to appreciate the perfect blend of decidedly heterogeneous sounds such as the precise guitars of Phibes (with his solos always at the service of the piece and never purely “arie di bravura”) and the electronic sonorities and the massive orchestral suggestions of Duka. 

It is the kind of music that you want to hear over and over because you know that with each listening you will always be able to discover new things.

And and this is probably the greatest credit of the The Silent Senders.

Listen also on:

Apple Music

Amazon Music


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