
In the 1980s and 1990s Duka co-produced and 

co-engineered many releases for 

his pioneering record label Zasko Lab


For the albums of those bands 

he composed, arranged and played 

piano, keyboards and electronics. 

for Zasko Lab Records:

Maskim - Maskim (1992)

Desecration - The valley of the eternal suffering (1993)

Shoggoth - Past Present (1993)

Out of Order - Out of Order (1993)

Mindscape - Get used to it (1994)

Infamia - Infamia (1994)

Outrose - Giostra (1994)

Shoggoth - Esprit Nouveau (1995)

Headless - Future to past (1996)

for other labels:

for Mediterranean Age: Nikkos - Nikkos (1989)

for Carrefours Records: Shoggoth -Shoggoth (1990)

for Mac Guffin Records: Senza Benza - Gigius (1993)

for La Bande a' Bonnot Records: Growing Concern - Disconnection plus (1993)

for Realtà Sommerse Organizzate: Newest Industry - Ateo Prego (1995)

and more… 

© 2023 Maurizio Duka Moroni - Audiosfera exMachina Records